1} When my friends or family ditch me to go with there boyfriend.
2} When a person whispers or murmmurs something on someones ear in front of my face.
3} When a person says 'friends 4 ever!' or 'best friend till the end'when they really don't mean it. 4} When friends or family tell you they'll have your back on anything, and when you really need them they aren't there.
5} Waking up early to go to school.
6} When my friends get mad, and don't talk to me.
7} When my mom doesn't let me go outside.
8} When my brother snitches on me.
9} Having to go to the dentist or doctor.
10} Owners not cleanin after their dogs poop.
11} Getting a detention for getting late.
12} Seeing dishes on the sink, and washing them.
13} Realizing that they were two faces, and hypocrites.
14} People calling private, and not answering.
15} People critisizing me or friends.
16} Seeing people being followers instead of them being leaders.
17} Friends saying there my friends, but only use me when they need me. (Like they only come with me when their "real best friends doesn't talk to them" or when they need to tell something to their Mothers.
18} People wanting to start fights.
19} Seeing boys or girls going on the wrong way of life.
20} Seeing parents that don't even care or pay attention to their daughters or sons.
21} Teenagers giving up and droping out of school. (Not caring to graduate)
22} When I see people that once used to be my friends, and now are hanging out with the wrong people.
23} People not keeping their promises.
24} Cheaters, that cheat on their girl/boyfriends or friends that go out with their friends boy friend or girlfriend.
25} Seeing a girl or boy cry for a girl or boy that wasn't even worth it.
26} Waiting in line to pay for something.
27} People talking behing my back.
28} People who don't brush their teeth.
29} When people chew like a cow.
30} When parent makes decisions for you.
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