1. The Nazis came to power in Germany on 1933, they thought that Germans were "racially superior", and that Jews weren't worth it, they wanted to get rid of all "inferior races".
2. Adolf Hitler is appointed to Germany which had a population of 566,00 Jewish people.
3. The Nazis burn the Reichstag building, which is the German government building to create crisis atmosphere.
4. On 1934, Hitler passed laws that didn't allow Jews to have freedom, later on August 19, 1934 he got 90% of germans vote to approve his new powers.
5. Hitler was the one who started everything, he was like the boss who gave the orders to Germany people, the guilty one.
6. Hitler wanted to kill everyone that was different from them, he wanted to make the world perfect, but only succeeded in killing millions.
7. Hitler was also part Jewish, and he was killing people of his own.
8. Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889.
9. After the beginning of World War II in 1933 the Jews were taken away from their homes and sent to ghettoes and concentration camps.
10. After the war, the camps were turned into memorial and museums.
11. Germans didn't only kill jews but also other people that were different from them. For example, they killed religious people like Jehova's Witnesses, homosexuals, Gypsies, poles Russians and others.
12. In 1933 the Jewish population was over nine million people.
13. After the war only one-third of jewish people were left, that means two-thirds were killed.
14. Today if they find out someone who was part of this Holocaust they will automatically send them to jail.
15. Jews and other different people different from the germans were killed and died of starvations, persecutions, maltreatment, and bunch of other violence the Germans did to them.
16. When the war ended the few of the Jews that survived emigrated to the United States, Israel, and other nations.
17. Germans killed millions of children, especially Jews. They also killed gypsies children, and german children that were mentally ill, handicapped, and physically bad.
18. Hitler's reason for killing handicapped children was because they consider them "unworthy of life".
19. Children wer killed and maltretaed in different ways. For example children were killed when they arrived in killing centers, and children were also killed after their birth or in instiitutions.
20. Sometimes children in concentration, and ghetto camps will survived because prisoners will hid them.
21. Children were used for medical experiments when they were killed.
22. 1.5 children were killed.
23. Catholic priests and nuns were also Nazi's target.
24. Hans Frank, the Nazi governor said that they don't ask nothing from the jews, that the only ting they asked is for them to dissapear.
25. On November 15, 1940, Nazis sealed jews in homes with big walls, and there they would treat them bad and Jews couldn't go outside or they got shot because they couldn't have contact with the outside world.
26. His sister was mentally reatarded and she and Hitler had a really close realationship.
27. There are some people that believe that the holocaust never existed.
28. There were different kinds of camps- Ghettos, concentration camps, forced labor camps, and extirmination camps.
29. “Holocaust” is derived from the Greek words “completely burnt”.
30. The first victims of the Holocaust were people with disabilities
31. There were about 5 million non-Jewish victims which means 5 million people were not Jews but other race that were violated.
32. Germans created ghettos to segregate jews from the nazis, and they lived under bad conditions.
33. The largest ghetto in Poland was the Warsaw Ghetto, where over 400,000 Jews were crowded into an area of 1.3 square miles.
34. Adolf Hitler was doing well in school, but at the age of 16 he quit to go to school.
35. The Nazi's were people who were strongly anti-communist, antisemitic, racist, nationalistic, imperialistic, militaristic.
36. They would gas people in a van.
37. Pregnant women were claimed not able to work, so they kill them or get abortions.
38. Women were raped and abuse in camps.
39. They wore a jacket called the julian noga prisoners jacket.
40. The Germans made Jews work in plants and factories with out getting pay.
41. The Einsatzgruppen killed men, women and children and then they burn them in mass graves.
42. Hitler decide to commit suicide because he didn't want to spend the rest of his life in hate and in jail.
43. Girls were dressed as guys and had to look like guys when they went to concentration camps.
44. Germans found new ways on killing alot of people at once, they used poison gases or bombs.
45. Jewish kids that went to school with germans had to stand in front of the class, and they will get insulted.
46. Jewish people wouldn't commit suicide because it was aginst their religion.
47. Jewish and Germans had different stars symbol, the Jewish star had 6 points and the Germans had a 5 point star.
48. Just a few people in camps survived to tell their stories.
49. Genozide still happens now days, But The Nazi holocaust as the worsest.
50. When the war ended in 1945 jewish and victims came out to be really skinny and had critic health problems.
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